Ryan McAdams
Credentials: MD
Position title: Professor, Neonatology Division Chief
Website: Department of Pediatrics
Phone: (608) 417-6236
As a neonatologist in the neonatal intensive care unit, I am immersed in the complexities of early human life, dealing with the fragility of newborns and the emotional journeys of their families. In this challenging environment, where joy and sorrow are closely intertwined, I turn to the humanities as a vital outlet for reflection and expression. Through writing poetry, crafting short stories, and creating paintings, I process the profound experiences of care, loss, and resilience that define my work. These artistic endeavors allow me to capture and share the essence of these moments, providing not only a means of personal coping but also a way to communicate and resonate with others. I hope to offer unique insights that bridge scientific understanding with the human experience, inviting a broader contemplation of the ethical, moral, and philosophical dimensions of life at its beginnings.