Recurring Events
Bioethics Symposium
An annual event in April that fouces on Bioethics. 2024 Event: Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm — including the world of health care — and this year’s topic of “AI, Ethics, and Health Care” will examine artificial intelligence-related concerns in these fields. The goal is to help develop a broad roadmap for using health-centered AI in ways that are equitable, empathetic and empowering.

Annual Events
Big Sib Little Sib: August
Halloween Night for Students/Staff/Families: October
M2 Wellness Letter: November
Interpreter Services Thank You: January
Solidarity Week: February
Thank a Resident Day
GHHS Movie Night
Wall of Humanism/Night of Storytelling: March
GHHS Yearbook: TBD
Midwest Physician Writers Retreat
Write: Carve out intentionally structured time for creative writing with small group workshops, individual writing time and optional feedback sessions.
Reflect: Create an opportunity to connect with oneself and others about the purpose and meaning of doctoring.
Commune: Cultivate community among physicians and medical trainees with an interest in creative writing of all skill levels.
Publish: Generate creative work to share with the group that could be submitted for future publication.
Family-Led Academic Grand Rounds (FLAG Rounds) - Department of Pediatrics
Medical training for children with disabilities and/or medical complexity typically focuses on diagnosis and treatment, rather than truly partnering with families. Danielle Gerber, family engagement specialist in the Division of Hospital Medicine and Complex Care, along with Cara Coleman, founder of The Bluebird Way Foundation, will lead the Family-Led Academic Grand (FLAG) Rounds initiative to demonstrate the impact of learning from lived experience and partnerships in providing care. Ryan Coller, MD and Heidi Kloster, MD, both pediatricians in the Division of Hospital Medicine and Complex Care, are senior advisors on this project.
FLAG Rounds will host 5 virtual sessions focused on ableism in pediatrics and will be open to a national audience. This innovative series flips the traditional 'grand rounds' model and embraces families as educators. Families will present an aspect of their “case” as a story and then offer strategies to develop knowledge, skills and abilities to perform, or partner in, the essential activities of care of children with disabilities and/or medical complexity.
These sessions will be held virtually, but the inaugural session on Thursday, January 16, will be hybrid and we hope to see you in person in HSLC 1335 from noon-1 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Continuing medical education credits will be offered.
Program Dates:
• Thursday, January 16, 2025 | noon-1 p.m. | HYBRID HSLC 1335 and Zoom
• Thursday, March 13, 2025 | noon-1 p.m. | via Zoom
• Thursday, May 29, 2025| noon-1 p.m. | via Zoom
• Thursday, September 25, 2025 | noon-1 p.m. | via Zoom
• Thursday, December 4, 2025 | noon-1 p.m. | via Zoom
Register today!
Annual Event: Story Slam!
In 2022, the Listen In! Storytelling Collaborative introduced storytelling to the Department of Pediatrics through the inaugural Story Slam event. The popular event has now been integrated into annual, departmental programming.

CHASM Lecture Series
More info coming soon!
Health Humanities Consortium (Beyond UW)
The Health Humanities Consortium promotes health humanities scholarship, education, and practices that focus on intersections among the humanities, arts and social sciences and health, illness, and healthcare.