Valerie Gilchrist
Credentials: MD
Position title: Honorary Associate/Fellow
Website: Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Phone: (608) 265-0856
Like many of us, although a math and science ‘nerd’, I have loved reading since childhood. In my first faculty job I found the value and the delight of an active humanities program and the annual William Carolos Williams Poetry Competition. Yet as we moved across the country and my work and family increased, humanities took just a corner of the back seat … that corner with the snack of pleasure reading! The “pleasure” reading of prose and poetry often provided and still provides, my sources of reflection, compassion, empathy, understanding and insight. Over the past few years in part time work and now retirement, I have been afforded the opportunity to edit, write more often, and read voraciously. It is a joy to witness medical humanities growing at UW-SMPH. It will nourish the soul, enhance well-being, and I believe help us provide better care for our patients. I am honored to contribute in any way that I am able.